Wednesday, February 25, 2004



I needed to get a nap today, and didn't. I'm not feeling too badly though, all things considered, I actually feel pretty good. It's nice not to have the constant pain I had from my gallbladder anymore. Of course I have other aches and wounds that need time to heal, but hopefully I'm on the upswing now.

I did a bunch of work on Make It Low Carb and have what is essentially a rough draft of the site up. The first 7 letters from my "mailbag" are posted, too. I think it's a nice support and will be good to point to when I get my marketing packages together.

One thing, though -- I don't know if LCL Magazine is going to publish any more issues. If they don't, that has both upsides and downsides for me. I'd like have more "published" columns out there, but since I'm not duplicating content between online and print, it will save me having to write that many more columns. I've written a number of emails to LCL Magazine and haven't received any response, so I have no idea what's going on. It would be nice just to know!

Almost forgot -- I've got my own name domain now, and set up a barebones links page for Me. Hee! I'm not going to do much else with it (except to occassionally add new links as they come into existence), but I think I'll scout around for some nice background wallpaper. That white is way too severe.

Well, I must get my butt off to bed or else my recovery will be derailed.

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