Friday, May 13, 2005


We've been recklessly extragavant these past few days. Spending too much money, eating too much, going out for treats with the kids.

DS1 had only 3 days of math homework this week, so after school we went to pick up my camera, only to find the shop closed early. So then we went to Border's for a snack and books and what-not. I had a slice of key lime cheesecake, approximately a million calories and at least 50% of them from carbohydrates. I feel fine, though, but that's probable because I snarfed about a half-pound of bittersweet chocolate a little while ago.

Today we ate dinner out side and stayed out ridiculously late (it was after 7:30 when we finally came in), playing a version of "20 questions" where you had to limit the thing you were thinking of to a body part. You would think that it would be difficult to play this game with three children aged 4, 6, and 8 years old, but in our house that's not the case. It was fun.

DD declared she would like to be a pediatrician. DS2 would also like to be a doctor but hasn't decided on a specialty yet. By tomorrow DD will have reverted to her default ambition, to become a real princess, and DS2 will be deciding which super-hero he would rather be.

DS1 hasn't spoken of personal ambitions lately, but that's OK. He is quite extraordinary and will be brilliant at whatever he chooses, if we don't screw up.

I must make it clear here that I don't think that DS1 is more brilliant than his siblings, it's just that he's older so it shows more. All three of them are, in many ways, terrifying. So much potential! As I said, we are diligently trying not to screw up.

My mind is turning towards pleasant alternative ways to pass the summer, if it turns out we can't go East as planned. We will visit water parks and resorts and perhaps do a California thing if I'm up to it. It need not be dreary.

For now, though, we are as merry as possible while still retaining some semblance of order; it is a school night, after all.

As for me, I am eating and drinking, for tomorrow I may be back on the LID!

1 comment:

Jean-Luc Picard said...

It's a good job you're not aboard the Enterprise. You would soon drain the replicators.

Excellent site.