Sunday, December 12, 2004


I took DD to her classmate's birthday party, which was one of those kids-running-everywhere affairs. The weather was quite warm and gorgeous, and it was actually a nice time. DD had a blast. I helped for quite a while, supervising one of the craft tables -- the hosts had made cookie dough ornaments for the kids to paint and sprinkle with glitter... it was no big deal but just standing for an hour flattened me for a while.

DH stayed home with the boys and worked on the Christmas lights. Our neighbor's older son, just over 8 years old, wandered over to DH and said to him, "My mom says you're lazy, that's why you haven't put your Christmas lights up yet."

Can you believe it?

First of all, no way would this kid ever say anything like this around his parents. And I have my doubts that his mom would actually say something like that, unless she was joking -- she does know about the whole surgery/cancer/in-laws visiting stuff I've been dealing with, after all. Not to mention the rain the past 2 weekends!

I don't know, I think if it had been me, I would've said something on the order of, "If your mom wanted me to know that, she would've told me herself. And it's very disrespectful for you to say such a thing to a grown-up, under any circumstances." DH didn't say a word. I'm still of a mind to give his mom a call and ask her to please tell her son that he should have a care what he says to adults. DH isn't the type to get angry and fly off the handle, but a lot of adults do, and you never know what could happen.

That kid, though. He has attitude to spare, as do a lot of kids around here. They think they own the world, or at least that they're in charge of things in it. I'm constantly reminding my own kids that that is not the case.

DH rented "Chronicles of Riddick" tonight, which I really enjoyed. I wonder, will they make a 3rd movie? I'd like to see what becomes of Riddick's "empire". The production design of the movie was just gorgeous, even if some of the CGI was a bit cheesy looking (the armored dogs in the prison scenes, for example). There were so many things I enjoyed, especially the way the technology of the Necros was imagined, and how the Helios were extremely organic and the Necros were forged metal and technology, a nice, if obvious, constrast. And Judi Dench gave a charming performance. I enjoy her work.

One problem with watching these movies involving super-able humans is that I always feel so puny and weak afterwards. I could use that feeling to inspire myself to get in shape, but so far, I don't have the energy for it. Hopefully after Christmas? Or after I get the shopping, etc, done.

Inventory: Nose still stuffed up/running/sore from being blown too much, but at least the mucous is clear. Sorry about that. Ick. Hands about a 3-4, feet maybe a 2, mostly down to nothing... piriformis/hip/lower back really screaming at me, though -- spent too much time on my feet today. Eating generally dreadful: birthday cake for lunch! Takeout subs for dinner... please. I can do so much better than this, but I'm just not. Hope tomorrow I can get back onto some kind of track.

"Are you going to stay down here all night again tonight?" DH asked me as he went up to bed. I considered the categories into which this might fall (including the title of this post), but decided to just consider it a sincere, snark-free question, and told him, "No." I may not be as quick or as sensitive as I might have been in the past, but in this case I am grateful for identifying the opportunity to pick a fight and giving it a pass.

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