Thursday, December 09, 2004


I probably shouldn't even be writing tonight. I feel as if I've done nothing but run around all day, and accomplished little.

I did get to the bank and finally deposited all the little checks that had accumulated, and I did get all the new computer rebate forms (4 altogether) into the mail -- here's hoping I filled them all out correctly, because they are worth $310!!!

DS1 had his holiday performance tonight. It was just the 3 2nd grades, and it was fine -- just the right length. They sang four songs, "I'm getting nuttin' for Christmas," "Frosty the Snowman," "The Hanukah Song" (not Adam Sandler's!), and "I Saw Three Ships". I found it interesting and rather perturbing that the school OKs them singing a very religious Jewish song, but wouldn't dream of letting them sing something like "O Little Town of Bethlehem."

DH says it's a combination of political correctness and fear of being sued. Of course it's OK for them to sing a Jewish song, because it's highly unlikely that any non-Jew would be upset about it. But there is a pretty good chance some non-Christian would get uppity if the kids sang an explicitly Christian song, so they don't. Grrrrrr!

On the way home, DS1 announces, "I don't think I believe in Santa anymore," and I told him we could discuss it later. We had a few moments alone at bed time, and DS1 explained that he seen a show that talked about the real Saint Nicholas, and that of course puts the whole Santa thing in doubt. I explained to him that DD and DS2 still believe in Santa, and that because he is older, he has a different understanding of things -- he can understand more. I told him not to mess with their heads, and let them believe what they want. I think we may need to have another discussion about it, but at least I got out the main point of not spoiling things for the little ones.

Because of the holiday performance, we had dinner at 5-ish, which was actually a rush because after school we had to go shop for a dessert to bring. I had wanted to make brownies and then decorate them, but that just wasn't in the cards. I let DS1 pick out what he wanted, and he bought some cupcakes with nice frosting and plastic "Christmas light" bulbs -- of course they disappeared instantly, but all 3 kids still got cookies and other stuff, plus juice pouches to drink, which made them all happy. It's a wonder they went to bed at all...

And somehow, in the midst of all that, I managed to get 2 loads of laundry done... if I leave it till the weekend, it's just too much, and DS1's sweatshirt really needs to be cleaned more than once a week!

Oh, yes, good news: the dermatologist's office called this morning to say the biopsies were "OK." Since they called my cell phone just as was pulling out of the garage to take the kids to school, I didn't press for details. I'm assuming "OK" means there was no weird cellular activity. I'm sure that it means that no re-excisions are necessary, and that is enough of a relief. I'll get more details when I'm in there on Wednesday to get the stitches out.

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday.

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