Thursday, December 19, 2019


That's didn't take too long.

First, my team lead assures me  I will be offered a contract for next year, so that's helpful.  It still wouldn't surprise me if I didn't get one.  I seem to have a 3-and-out streak going on, and this is my third year at my current school.

Second, she wisely decided not to wait passively by for admin to get back to us, but she put together another proposal for them.  Specifically, three of us each teach one class for one trimester, and the math teacher (who literally can't do more than she is now) will just have to monitor study hall (like now).   Today we got a terse email saying "We will be moving forward with electives and your proposal," so I guess that's it.  We were all hoping they wouldn't say OK but of course they did because it's the cheapest option.

But now I'm on tap to teach Robotics to junior high kids for 2 45-minute sessions a week, supposedly in lieu of after-school Robotics. There are problems with this scenario.  First of all, I don't want to give up the after-school Robotics.  I love working with those kids.  But if I'm teaching this new class, I'm really not going to be able to give up 2 days a week after school.  It was hard enough this year, and I can't imagine doing it next year with having to teach another class.

Second, there is currently one will-be-junior-high student who may return to Robotics next year: our current "older kids" team is all 8th graders, except for one now-6th-grader. I'm not sure she'll want to take Robotics, though.  She's extremely over-scheduled as it is.   I'm not sure if there will be any interest, and if there's not, I don't want them loading up a class with students who don't want to be there.  That would be the absolute worst.

Third, a Robotics class and a Robotics competition team are not the same things.  I think I need to define that the class is the class and not expected or required to go to the tournament.  I doubt 2, 45-minute sessions, with the trimester ending at the beginning of November, would be enough time to get a robot and missions coded for competition.

Fourth, and this is bothering me... I haven't said a word about this to lead coach, mostly because I'm hoping that nothing comes of it.  We still don't really know how things are going to shake out next year, so I'm just going to bide my time and see what happens.

At least our math teacher is finishing out this year, which is a relief.  I hope she'll decide to stay in spite of how badly admin is treating us.

In completely unrelated but similarly sucky news, I have pink eye.  I also have a zillion papers to grade but my eyes hurt so that's my excuse for playing Words with Friends instead.

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