Thursday, February 13, 2020


My baby turned 19 years old today.  One more year with a teen-aged offspring!  How odd.

I feel surrounded by babies these days.  One of my co-workers just announced she's expecting.  Another has an absolutely charming 3-year-old at our preschool, and I get to see her practically every day.  This afternoon, one of the school moms stopped by for something or other and she had her own adorable infant hanging off her arm.  He was such a sweetie, ready to smile at everyone (well, me, anyway!).

There are no babies in my personal immediate future but I do enjoy being baby-adjacent.  I get a tiny bit wistful hoping my own kids will have families of their own some day, but since not one of them has any kind of significant other on the horizon, who knows? 

They all have plenty of time for that, anyway.  I'll have to stick with vicarious grandbaby experiences for now.

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