Nearly a week (the aforementioned 6 days) on the impossibly-tiny 112 mcg/day dose of levothyroxine, and the main thing I can say about myself is that apparently everything is pissing me off.
I feel as if I've spent most of this week with a chip on my shoulder, and I don't exactly know why. I'm still struggling mightily with work-life balance, and I'm acutely aware that I rely on everything going smoothly 100% of the time so that I don't get swamped.
Of course, not-so-smooth events occur every week, so I'm swamped every week. I'm really tired of it, and I want to change it, but I don't exactly know how to do that. I'm figuring it out as I go along.
For example, I'm putting all my quizzes into Google Classroom, so I don't have to grade them ever again. But it's a trade off of up-front time vs grading, and sometimes the grading seems less tedious than entering the quizzes, since every single question and answer has to be manually entered... unless there's some magic "upload" button I've been missing all this time.
I think the school year is going well. We're coming up on the close of our first trimester (I know, I know - weird) so I really do have to catch up on entering grades. I'm not really even that behind with the actual grading, just getting them into the gradebooks... it's another tedious and thankless task. For example, there is a way to link assignments in Google Classroom to the gradebook so the grades can be imported automatically, but that costs another not-significant sum to enable, and it's not in our budget this year. So I end up copying grades from one to the other, and due to odd variances of student names, they're not always in the same order, so something that should literally be a button push becomes 10 minutes of tedium. (It's probably not 10. It may only be 2 or 3 minutes, but it's so tedious it feels like at least 10.)
Yesterday by the end of the day I was feeling irrationally happy that it was Friday, and I had two days off. Today, at 9PM, I'm annoyed again. I literally just thought to myself, I didn't get anything done today, when I, in fact: bought groceries for the week, shopped for DD's birthday, finally bought the notions I need to fix a dress I can't wear because it's too short, went to Mass, made a fantastic from-scratch shepherd's pie for dinner and washed all the dishes (of which there were many), and finally applied for the refunds for DD's aborted flights to New Orleans. That's not nothing, in fact it was a rather busy and productive day, I just didn't get any schoolwork done, and so... I didn't get anything done today, and now I fear tomorrow will be a long, horrid slog, priming me for a miserable week ahead.
I do hope not. I like to believe I can choose, but I'm struggling this week to make my choice -- not to be angry all the time -- stick.
Oh yeah: residual upper respiratory crud continues; body aches galore, headaches many days this week. I want to blame all the wheat I ate last weekend but I don't know if that makes sense. Most likely it's my lack of consistent exercise, but I'm also exhausted all the time these days, so the idea of getting up earlier to put in my workout strikes me as absurd. My hands hurt. Also, I don't think I've shaved my legs for a month now and I don't think anyone would be able to tell. Isn't lack of hair growth a hypothyroid thing? I don't want to have furry legs but if I never had to shave them again, I wouldn't be sad about it!
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