Most likely.
Since I had the scan at a different hospital, the nucmed doctor was not there to look it over. Technically I have to wait until I get the official report, but I looked at the images and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I was particularly interested to see whether the weird area of uptake in my chest re-appeared, but I didn't see it. (Doesn't mean it's not there, but if it is, it's very subtle.)
There was a blip, however, at the lab: my bloodwork that's supposed to go to UC Davis? "We're not using that code anymore," the technician told me. She assured me they would call the doctor's office and find out what was supposed to happen, and that's all to the good. But I had a blood draw last weekend before this whole process started that was also supposed to go to UC Davis, and now I'm wondering if it actually went.
I could allow myself to become agitated about this, but I won't because I'm not going to find out those results for another month. I'm just going to back-burner all this until my next appointment.
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