Wednesday, December 29, 2004

ten years +

Anniversary today.

Got my hair done and it came out lovely.

Went out to a nice, low-key dinner in a non-chain restaurant and had fantastic Indonesian food. Got moderately bad coffee and a completely decadent dessert at a swishy coffee bar, and then went to see a predictably bad but nevertheless fun movie.

Came home and watched the rest of the Insight Bowl (always interesting to see local venues on national TV), and then this creepy WWII submarine movie (Below) somewhere further along the dial. I confess, for part of the movie I was only half-watching because today was Tuesday and I was reading the Grand Rounds. Medical blogs fascinate me, especially given my semi-pro status as a patient. But I snuggled with DH for the last third or so.

Everything was exactly right. Sometimes, all the little frictions of running a household together just fall away, and you can just be together and be happy about it. Today was like that.

It was a very good day.

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