Sunday, October 03, 2004

Little Miss Cranky Pants

That would be me.

I'm bone-dead-tired. I cleaned the sinks, toilets, and mirrors in all four bathrooms today, plus dusted and cleaned the sliding glass door. And cleaned off the kitchen island, which required an effort similar to an archeological dig to accomplish.

I threw away the stuff we didn't need, and I put away the stuff we were keeping.

Throughout those chores I did four loads of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away.

And I occasionally nagged DS1 about his family tree project, and actually made him do a big chunk of it today, and then did a big chunk of it myself, and then I just got pissed at him for his lousy attitude, and let it go.

So DH decides to let him stay up so he can finish it: I just chased him off to bed at 9:15PM, 45 minutes late, because the boy wasn't doing any of it, DH was doing it all. This was not an assignment for the parents. It's unfortunate for my son that his mother has a freakishly large family (4 boys, 3 girls). All total, he has nearly 20 cousins. There are 54 people on this "tree" and he was supposed to be "creative" in how he displayed the information. I don't think this is an appropriate project for 2nd graders, but there's really nothing I can do about it now.

The killer thing -- this was assigned about a month ago, and I just spaced out on it, only realizing it was due tomorrow last Monday. That should've given us a week to get it done, but with all this surgery upheaval going on, it just didn't. We could've done a much better job, I'm sure, but them's the breaks.

DS1 is heartbroken to be going to school without his project tomorrow, but you know? He should've worked on it today, he could've done something on it... but he wasn't all that interested, so every time he'd sit down with it, his attention would wander and five minutes later he'd be off doing something else. At a certain point, I just gave up.

Tomorrow is going to be a lovely day: see the surgeon in the morning, deal with cranky kids (all up too late for various reasons relating to DS1's not being done with his project) for the rest of the day. Whee!

At least the house is clean, anyway.

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