Tuesday, March 24, 2020

laugh to learn

Among the things my administration is insisting we do: video lessons for our students so they can have "face" time with us even if they can't attend a Zoom meeting we hold during school hours.  I can't believe the amount of new technology I've absorbed and deployed in just the past few days!  Today I made four little video lessons (hosted on my own [private] YouTube channel, a thing I never imagined saying before).

Here's my favorite of them -- a brief and silly-on-purpose demonstration of the difference between rotation and revolution of objects in space.  I have found that truly goofy things will stick in students' brains, and I have developed a little repertoire of items over the years.  I didn't want to deprive this year's 7th graders of this particular bit of goofiness on my part just because we can't be in a classroom together.

DH was my camera man, and my sweet girl kitty, who hadn't seen me all day, decided to join in:

I'm having trouble getting streaming to work, but it plays just fine on YouTube: Demo, with cat

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