Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I am not entertained.

There is a complete lack of diverting stories out on the web these days, not that I have time for them anyway.

I spent all weekend paralyzed and obsessively following the news, which made a little bit of sense back then because things were developing so rapidly.

Now, I'm home, moving my curriculum online and dealing with co-workers and students and admin, many of whom are just so upset that they're not thinking at all, much less thinking straight. 

Everybody just needs to stop and take a breath. Pause a moment.  Say a prayer, reflect, or just empty your mind, whatever, but do something so the mental hamster wheel your brain has been on for the recent past just stops, or better yet, disappears.

As with any big emotional event, I eventually suffer emotional fatigue.  In this case, concern fatigue or anxiety fatigue or whatever.  I can only spend so much time being keyed up before I just can't do it anymore.  It's like my emotional state is a muscle pushed past it's limit. and it can't hold any more.  That's where I'm at right now.  It's not that I'm not worried or anxious or concerned, because I am.  I just can't sustain it as my primary focus.  I have too much work to do.

I have scheduled assignments for tomorrow and Thursday for my science classes, and dealing with religion class should be relatively quick; I'll do that tomorrow morning.  The rest of the day is reserved for grading and entering grades, because I still haven't done that.  It seems kind of stupid at this point, but these are grades from before the quarantine order, so they actually mean something, and I'm dreadfully late putting them in.  Of course, I have a good excuse.

Perhaps if I get caught up on my grades, I can start a book?  Dangerous territory, given my historic lack of self-discipline when it comes to reading.  But I just might go there anyway. Or perhaps pick up my knitting again...that might be safer.

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