Sunday, August 25, 2019

checking in

Since I'm on a new dose of my thyroid meds, I'm going to make an effort to check in more frequently so I can keep track of how I'm handling it. 

So far, so good.  In fact, the beginning of this school year is almost suspiciously smooth, with no major problems or headaches or seemingly intractable problems.  Maybe it's because this is my tenth (!!!) year teaching and I've finally chilled out, but I don't have that sort-of-an-itch feeling that there are things that are just waiting to explode.

Which is not to say that those things aren't there (we're having a meeting to review IEPs for our students this Tuesday), but so far, so good.

I'm seeing my doctor regarding my broken toe tomorrow, and hope that I can finally stop taping, and wearing the boot, etc.  We'll see.  It's less than ideal timing with respect to my dose change, but I also started a bone-growth-promoting supplement the last couple of weeks to see if it helps.  Here's hoping.

Without getting too graphic, I had some kinds of an intestinal bug for about a week that finally seems to have resolved.  I was thinking it was a side-effect of the bone-growth supplement, but I haven't stopped that and everything has finally settled down anyway.  It was unpleasant but didn't get in the way of teaching, so it could've been worse!

So far no signs of fatigue or brain fog, and I'm definitely feeling calmer, less tightly-wound.  I don't think I had any palpitations this week, whereas normally I would feel my heart going crazy at least two or three times a week. It's really too soon to tell, though, since it has only been a week.  I'm going for my blood test in mid-October and have even already scheduled it.  I'm trying to stay on top of things, with fair-to-middling success so far (she says, eyeing the huge stack of projects left to be graded!)

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