Friday, March 08, 2019


Before I forget, the article based on my master's thesis has been published in this month's Science Scope, the NSTA journal for middle school science teachers: The Science Project Portfolio

This involved so much work.  It's kind of surreal that it's actually out there for other people to read. 

Also, in the nearly 2 years since it was written, I have revised so many of the supporting documents, including creating an entire Google Classroom implementation which is so much (again) better.  I wish I'd had time to update the original, but they didn't ask me, and I didn't have the time, anyway.  I received the proof copy for edits during my science fair week.

I'm on spring break now, and seriously thinking about writing down the things I intend to do this week, so they get done.  I already harvested the lemon tree.  Isn't that enough? No, I still have a huge stack of papers to grade.  What else?

Renew my teaching certificate (it expires in May). 
See my foot doctor about the return of the neuroma in my right foot?  It is getting better...
See not-sure-which doctor about the recurrent eye twitches and visual migraine & headache  (3/7) to see if they have anything to do with my pituitary adenoma (or just wait until my endo appointment later this month...)?
Clean my make up brushes. 
Dust (including the fake plants) & vaccuum.
Purge closets.
Drop off donations from purging closets.
Check supplies for upcoming labs and order materials as necessary. 
Figure out the maximum number of chaperones I'll allow on the upcoming field trip.
Get together with my 2 friends I never see because we have completely incompatible work schedules.
Pick up DS2 from the airport when he returns from Washington, DC.
Help DS2 paint his room.
Retrieve DD from Flagstaff for her spring break, the week after mine.
Go to the Ren Faire (if the neuroma is better)
Go to the DBG (if the neuroma is better)
Read a book?

It seems like a long list but I'm not going back to school for eleven days! I can do this.

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