Saturday, June 23, 2018

what to do when you can't do anything

* Sit on the couch with foot elevated.  Ice different parts of the foot/leg many times a day.  (Did you know you're not supposed to ice the injured area directly?  I was told to ice the top of the foot, and behind my knee, for the standard 20 minutes per hour, no ice directly touching the skin.)

* Watch all of The Crown.  (loved it).  Read all of Tom and Lorenzo's coverage of The Crown

* Watch all of Downton Abbey (loved it, but not as much as The Crown -- too many anachronistically happy endings for the 'liberated' female characters.) Read all of Tom and Lorenzo's coverage of Downton Abbey.

* Read the first four of Brandon Sanderson's six Mistborn books.  (So much fun!)

* Fail to keep hips aligned despite best efforts.  Deal with resulting piriformis syndrome as effectively as possible while not being able to stand for any length of time.

* Deal with at least 90 minutes of not-sleeping every night because of the impossibility of finding a comfortable way to lie down with the foot still elevated.  Grind teeth over the tinnitus that attacks during this, and only this, time: it is impossible to fall asleep when you're listening to your own pulse shush-shush-shushing.  It's just loud.

* Sleep ridiculously late because hey, there's no reason I should get up. Feel exhausted all the time, because doing nothing is exhausting.

* Watch all 6 episodes of Netflix documentary Wild Wild Country because DS1 had just started it when I finally wandered downstairs on his day off.  (Highly recommended; a totally bizarre little chapter in recent American history, and it left me uncomfortable that some First Amendment rights [among others] were trampled. It wasn't that black-and-white, although the successful poisoning of a small town's population prior to important vote was way beyond the pale.)

* Think about taking up knitting again.  Look at approximately 1000 knitting patterns without coming to any kind of decision one way or another.  I think I have some yarn somewhere I should use up...

* Recreational online shopping at all the usual haunts, since literally everyone is having huge summer sales.  Seriously, they're giving stuff away -- if you can't get a least 50% off, you're not even trying.  Look at approximately 2000 pieces of clothing, most hideous, all of it overpriced.   Don't buy anything.

* Eventually supervise offspring in restoring order to the house, laying out the new rugs and replacing furniture, etc. It looks lovely!

* Diet: intermittent fasting + very few carbs + limited alcohol = -12 lbs over the last few months.  Last school year I managed not to gain, unlike the previous four years.  There's something to be said about working for a place where you actually fit in, and where the workload is reasonable.  Truth be told, there's some crazy part of me that would like to take off another 10 pounds, but I'll be happy if I can just stay where I am now.  It's easy not to eat when all you do is sit around.  I don't get hungry, and I've been great with drinking all that water we're all supposed to drink.  I have, once again (or is it still?), the sense of recovering from a long illness. Perhaps this is why I'm not inclined to buy any new clothes, since all the old ones fit better now.

* Reframe:  This isn't wasted time just because I'm not using it the way I originally thought I would.

Friday, June 08, 2018


Morning: I may have broken my right big toe.  It's possible it's just badly bruised, but I won't find out until later when I go to the doctor to get it checked out.

Foot injuries are the worst.

Night: Yeah, its' broken.

 What happened? Basically, late hour + a few glasses of wine + bare feet + moving furniture = bad idea.  But I bet you knew that already.

We're updating the flooring in the remaining downstairs room to match what we put everywhere else last summer, and the guys came to start the installation came today -- so that meant moving all the stuff out of those spaces: guest room, closet, family room.  There's stuff stacked everywhere, and I'd moved just about everything except the last few big pieces from the family room because DD and I wanted to finish watching the Pride and Prejudice mini-series after dinner. 

No big deal, just should've left the wine in the kitchen... anyway, DD and I were moving one of the desks and our communication wasn't the best, she was pushing and I was pulling... it had kind of sunk into the area rug and didn't want to move, until it did, right into my right big toe.  It hurt quite a bit, but I limped around on it and helped finish up with the room. 

So then the pain wakes me up at 5:30, and it's this lovely purple color.   I call the BCBS nurse on call for an opinion, and she says, you don't need the ER, but do see your doctor.  So I got an appointment with my doctor after lunch, and he sends me for an x-ray, "stat" reading ordered.  That was actually pretty cool, because about 20 minutes after I got home they called me to tell me, yes, it's broken, and please stay off it ("Do you have crutches?") and refer me to a podiatrist.

So then the afternoon was calling around to those doctors to see if anyone could work me in, but of course not, because it's FRIDAY and they all close early.  Specialists! I decided not to go to urgent care mostly because I'm too cheap (the copay is like $250!) and I'll get in to see a doctor on Monday.

I'm not dying, but it isn't any fun, that's for sure.  The real bummer is that I was planning on going to Boston tomorrow to hang out with my sisters and my Massachusetts friends whom I have not seen in like 3 years... canceled.  The thought of being in an airport with this injury is frankly terrifying.  I picked DS1 up at work this evening and just driving there and back -- about 30 minutes total -- wiped me out.  Then again, having been up since 5:30AM probably contributed to the exhaustion.  Driving is... interesting. Possible, and not painful if I pay attention, but I'm also kind of scared of moving my foot the wrong way.  So, kind of like torture.

Other bummer things: I'll be fairly useless in putting the house back together when the floors are done (with any luck they will finish tomorrow).   Grocery shopping? Hmmm not the best idea.   I don't know how long it will take to feel better, but it will probably be at least a few weeks... and I'm hoping I'll be better by the time we head to Connecticut, because it would be a bummer if I can't hike while we are there.  We also wanted to take at least one day trip to Mt. Lemmon this summer, but that's going to have to wait, as well.  I'm hoping I can still tackle my next summer project without too much bother: painting DS2's room. 

I'm not on crutches and won't be if I have anything to say about it.  The vast majority of the foot is fine, so I can walk without hurting the toe.  I just have to be careful about it, so I'm slow, but that's not so bad.  And I need to mostly keep it up, and not stand around or walk too much, but so far that's do-able.   I usually heal really slowly, but thankfully it's summer so I can take it easy, and perhaps that will help with a speedy recovery.

Foot injuries really are the worst.

Saturday, June 02, 2018

truly summer

Started Thursday.  No grad school classes, no job search, just... time off.

So of course I'm bouncing around at loose ends, more or less, getting things done that I've been putting off, and enjoying sleeping a little bit later.  Somehow I'm still awake by 7:30 most mornings!  I know that's not early for a lot of people, but when you literally have no reason to get out of bed, it seems kind of silly.

So my job for the summer is feeding my family, and arranging (if not providing) transportation for all the offspring.  DS2 has a senior thesis summer camp the next two weeks, and DS1 is starting his first-ever job.  DD?  She has a job for the summer at one of the big box home improvement stores and is loving every minute.  She likes having something to do, and the income. 

Last week, I fixed the laser printer that we haven't been able to use for months and... not much else.   Well, I had work on Tuesday (I gave a presentation on the new science standards to my colleagues), and Wednesday (fantastic session on Theology of the Body).  So I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself for not accomplishing much. 

But I am dedicated to having very good food at home this summer, because eating out has become so very expensive, and, well, we can almost always do just as well if not better at home.  OK, not for sushi... DD and I went to the farmer's market today and came home with an intoxicating collection of fresh produce for this week's menu. 

I have medical appointments on Monday, but then after that, I'll get started on painting DS2's room (at least the taping).  Plus, scheduling the final flooring installation... those are the 2 big projects for the summer, but who knows what mischief I could get into, if I find myself at loose ends?