Wednesday, July 02, 2014

front yard 2014 - mulch project

Three shifts of about 3 hours each, with 2 kids helping today, and we have...

 The center planter relatively weed-free, irises significantly thinned, and a skim layer of mulch.  We had three bags left so that's what it got.  One more bag would've been OK, but not strictly necessary.

 These two are the biggest bed in front of the house.  Took out most of the irises here (I know they'll be back...) along with everything else that's not supposed to be there.  This year, I layered newspaper under the mulch to try and keep the weeds down.  The mulch is very thick here; this planter took six bags.  I transplanted a bleeding heart and some hydrangea volunteers to the empty space by the stairs, but I have no expectations there.  If they live, they live.  I should be able to tell by the end of our stay here.

Last, the pathetic little bed on the other side of the house.  Took out all of the irises that were basically a big weedy mess (again, they'll be back...) pruned the azalea and the hydrangea, and layered newspaper under the mulch.  This bed took three bags and it is quite thick. 

Here is a close up of the new hydrangea reviving itself.   Just to the left of it is the little rose bush I discovered during my clean up.  There's one bud slowly opening now -- we may get a flower yet if it doesn't get eaten by a squirrel.

Now that the front beds are done, I'm contemplating what else is strictly necessary.  The side yards are a mess, and the back is covered with leaves.  I'm seriously thinking about having a yard cleanup company come in and do it -- it's basically raking and mowing, now that the beds are done.  If my kids were more ambitious I'd have them do it, but that's not likely.   We'll see.

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