Wednesday, April 06, 2005

news fatigue

Stealth Fish is busting on Captain Ed about the relentless coverage of the big Canadian scandal.

Ed lives in Minnesota, he's allowed to be more interested in Canada and Canadian politics than I can fathom. He's also really good at covering this kind of thing, and I find his analyses to be generally thoughtful and thorough...

... when I read them. I'm sorry, I just can't get worked up over -- no, I can't even seem to get interested in -- this Canadian hoo-ha. I skim the headlines and move on. I know it's big, and I understand that the Canadian government could fall, but I'm still just not interested.

Same with, I'm embarassed to admit, the UN Oil-for-Food scandal. I know, it's the biggest scam in the history of mankind, but I'm still "meh" about it. Sandy Berger got a slap on the wrist? Wrong, but again -- meh.

I'm just exhausted. Exhausted by my day-to-day life and my periodic cancer crises, my children, my own ambitions or lack thereof. Exhausted by the Terri Schiavo situation and the death of the Pope, along with the momentous events in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. Maybe at some point I'll have some energy left over to be interested in the rest of the world's events again, but for the forseeable future, I'll be sitting these scandals, and any new ones, out.

I need a vacation from reality. When is that new Harry Potter book coming out? (not till July! *sigh*)

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