Friday, September 17, 2004


Went up this morning for my thyroid ultrasound and FNA. I knew it was going to be bad. The pain is not so much in the needle sticks as it is afterwards, because when they put the needle in there, they kind of wiggle it around a little bit to get a tissue sample, you know? So it still hurts now, hours later, and it will probably continue to bother me for a good part of the weekend.

The endo reviewed the u/s and seems pretty sure that at least the side with the nodule will have to come out. See, I've had the nodule for a few years now and all of a sudden it is much bigger (not just me psyching myself out), plus has different characteristics... she doesn't think it should stay. If the biopsy shows cancer, they'll most likely take both lobes of the thyroid, otherwise they'll just take the half.

So she did about 6 sticks in the throat, but then I needed 3 more sticks (both arms, right hand) before they could find a vein that would give blood for the lab tests... I'm just feeling battered right now.

DH and I made plans today to see the Patriots on Sunday. The high temp is only supposed to be 88. Here's hoping -- I really need a good day out!

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