Everything hurts.
I have been working long hours, but my work is not physically demanding. I don't recall spending a day grading leaving me aching from head to toe, literally, but that's where I am. Perhaps I'm coming down with something? It's a possiblity, but I don't feel sick, exactly, I just hurt all over. Muscles, joints, you name it.
I'm also exhausted beyond what I think I should be! I haven't been too bad on getting sleep -- at least 6 hours and usually more, which is, to be honest, great for me. I have at various times routinely stayed up until 1 or 2 while still getting up by 6:30, so shouldn't I feel less tired?
Digestion: meh. Still nibbling on ginger frequently, and I haven't had the really horrid gastroparesis-full feeling I had a few times the previous week. But I go from having zero appetite to being ravenous, and I'm not sure what that's about since I eat the same way all the time. There's nothing new going on in my diet.
I have been wearing my shoes with the metatarsal orthotic, and I was thinking that was making my legs ache (not a bad hypothesis), but then I realized that there is no way the orthotics could be bothering my hands, so I gave up that idea. I suppose it's still plausible.
Today in my first class I oollected their homework from over the weekend and put it in my expandable file, and then, about 5 minutes later, handed them back out to the students because I had forgotten what they were! The kids laughed about it and forgave me that bit of silliness, and in all fairness we did have about five different things going on at that moment, but it wasn't one of my best mornings, to say the least.
Just a very long and painful day. Here's hoping tomorrow is better.
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