Saturday, February 09, 2019

and the winner is...

Me, because the science fair is over!

I just now finished crunching the numbers, or as I heard from time to time back at MIT, "torturing the data until it confesses," and have my winners to announce Monday morning.

It was a very long, but very good day, for the most part.  I had a few random complaints about students being goofy (as they will when they think no one is paying attention), but overall, the fair was well-received by the school and the families. 

Coincidentally, my master's thesis-based article -- how to manage student science fair projects without going crazy, basically -- will be published next month!  Of course I received the proof copy to review last week in the midst of science fair craziness, but I squeezed that in somehow, and even managed to spot a mistake that has probably been in every single version, and no one else had noticed.

Now my school focus turns to our field trip in April, and my family focus to DS2's senior thesis which he should be wrapping up in the next few weeks.

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