Friday, September 30, 2005

sabotaged by the spell-checker

Howard Fineman has a thoughtful piece (via VodkaPundit) up over on on why the Democrats aren't doing as well as they theoretically could be. He makes a lot of good points, but I am so juvenile I was distracted by a typo. Here's Fineman discussing LBJ's trip to New Orleans in the immediate aftermath of a hurricane there during his administration:
I thought it was an instructive contrast to Bush’s too-little, too-late personal response to Katrina. But the anecdote contains a lesson for Democrats, too: LBJ stood for a big idea—the healing power of government. He was in the mist of his Great Society presidency.

I'm pretty sure that's not what Fineman meant to say, but I love it. The Great Society was responsible for a lot of murky public policy goals, and most people who continue to advocate the Great Society are walking around in a fog.

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