Tuesday, May 31, 2005


My latest Make It Low Carb column, Ganache, has been posted over at LowCarbLuxury.

I have to say, I'm completely tickled with this recipe. It just amazes me how well it works. A little patience, a lot of stirring -- yum! And no complicated ingredients, either (well, aside from the non-sugar sweeteners, but I have those anyway.)

I even tried this with coconut milk instead of the heavy cream for an LID indulgence, and it worked! It doesn't set up in the fridge, but that's OK. It makes a lovely, glassy chocolate sauce with a slightly coconut-y taste. Mmmmmm. It has been luscious on my Haagen-Daz (I always want to laugh when I type out that name, since I know it's totally made up) raspberry sorbet. I had to go with the H-D sorbet, I wanted raspberry, and the other brand's raspberry had carageenan in it. That's a no-no on LID, so H-D, pretense and all, it is.

Or rather, was. The pathetically empty container is just inches from the keyboard as I type this.

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