Tuesday, February 08, 2005

mini obsession

Yesterday we went to Michael's to buy some more yarn for the blanket that Mom is making for me, and some Fun Fur for the wrap I'm making for the silent auction at DS2's school. For some reason, there was a major delay at the cash register, so Mom started leafing through Family Circle's Easy Knitting.

I was herding DS2 away from the candy displays and trying to peak over Mom's shoulder at the same time, and I managed to catch a glimpse of this:

Blue Sky Alpaca's Bobbi Bears

I've been making teddy bears for years, and this was, without a doubt, the cutest and most unusual knit teddy bear I had ever seen. I took a moment to look at the blurb accompanying the photo and thought, "I'll remember that." Ha! Of course I forgot it almost immediately.

No matter, through The Power of The Internet, I located the charming Jimmy Beans' Wool and found the kits, which I cannot afford since they run from about $70 up to nearly $100 because they are sold with absolutely gorgeous yarns. Fortunately, I found they also sell just the pattern. It's on its way here as we speak.

The weird thing about these bears: they are knit using a super-chunky wool, on size 17 needles, are about 2 feet tall. I think that a smaller and more easily-managed-by-an-infant bear can be created using the same pattern, regular worsted, and much smaller needles. We shall see. These are an ideal infant bear since there is nothing to be pulled off and choked on, and if you make them out of acrylic, you can throw them in the washing machine and they'll come out of the dryer looking dandy.

I'm psyched.
Oh, I bought 8 skeins of this, in black, to make that wrap. The auction's the first week in March. I better get going on that!

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